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Building Brick Binder Printable


Building Brick Binder Printable

Brick Binder Shop.jpg
Brick Binder Colors Shop.jpg
Brick Binder Shop.jpg
Brick Binder Colors Shop.jpg

Building Brick Binder Printable


Need help organizing your kids’ sets? This 42 page printable is for you! With this digital download, you’ll be able to set up a binder to keep all the information about your sets in order along with labels you can use throughout your child’s room to make everything easy to find and use.

This printable will be delivered to you digitally and includes two color sets: Classic (blue, green, red, yellow) and Bright (teal, purple, pink, light yellow).

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This brick binder pack includes…
A descriptive welcome section
Binder cover page
Binder spines
Header sections
Set notecards
Bin labels
Blank notecards
Parent tip sheet
Parent prep sheet
Chore chart
Brick sort & play sheets

Your link to the printable will be active for 24 hours after you receive it in your inbox. Please download the file to your computer when it arrives to ensure that you get your printable.

Watch this video to learn more about how to use the binder and read the full blog post HERE.

If you have any problems during checkout, please fill out the contact form HERE.

Do you enjoy new building and play ideas for your LEGO bricks? Head over to Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls for some awesome inspiration!